All Modules | Single header that includes all modules |
▼Deprecated | Deprecated functions and headers |
Deprecated_Functions | |
Useful_Includes | |
Robotics_Cape | |
▼Math | C routines for linear algebra, quaternions, and discrete time filters |
Algebra | Advanced linear algebra functions |
SISO_Filter | Functions for generating and implementing discrete SISO filters |
Kalman | Kalman filter implementation |
Matrix | Functions for masic matrix manipulation |
Other_Math | Math functions that don't fit elsewhere |
Polynomial | Functions for polynomial manipulation |
Quaternion | Functions for quaternion manipulation |
Ring_Buffer | Ring buffer implementation for double-precision floats |
Vector | Functions for vector manipulation |
▼IO | C interface for Linux userspace IO |
ADC | C interface for the Linux IIO ADC driver |
GPIO | C interface for the Linux GPIO driver |
I2C | C interface for the the Linux I2C driver |
Pinmux | C interface for the Sitara pinmux helper driver |
PWM | C interface for the Sitara PWM driver |
SPI | General purpose C interface to the Linux SPI driver |
UART | C interface for the Linux UART driver |
▼Mavlink | Simplified C interface for sending/receiving mavlink packets through UDP |
Mavlink_UDP | Communicate with mavlink over UDP networking |
Mavlink_Helpers | Helper functions for the most common mavlink packets |
▼Quadrature_Encoder | Functions for reading quadrature encoders |
Encoder | C interface for quadrature encoder counting |
Encoder_EQEP | C interface for the Sitara eQEP encoder counter |
Encoder_PRU | Functions for reading the PRU-accelerated quadrature encoder counter |
Barometer_BMP | Interface to the BMP280 barometer |
Button | Handle generic GPIO buttons |
CPU | Control CPU scaling governer |
DSM | DSM2 and DSMX radio interface |
LED | Control the LEDs on Robotics Cape and BeagleBone Blue |
Model | Determine the model of board currently being used |
Motor | Control 4 DC motor Channels |
IMU_MPU | A userspace C interface for the invensense MPU6050, MPU6500, MPU9150, and MPU9250 |
PRU | Start and stop the PRU from userspace |
Pthread | Manage pthreads and process niceness |
Servo | Control Servos and Brushless Motor Controllers |
Start_stop | Cleanly start and stop a process, signal handling, program flow |
Time | Sleep and timing functions |
Version | Macros and functions for getting the current version of librobotcontrol |